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It's rutting season and the bucks are chasing the does. This one was alone in a field following the scent of a doe, he would sniff the ground and then hold his head up and lick and snort... he did this several times. Thankfully he wasn't all that interested in what I was doing and this allowed me to capture some shots.

Sony A1 + 200-600

Enjoy the day all.

Sony A1+200-600 by hatch1921, on Flickr

Sony A1+200-600 by hatch1921, on Flickr

Sony A1+200-600 by hatch1921, on Flickr

Sony A1 + 200-600 by hatch1921, on Flickr
Very nice!

Nice set. His neck certainly looks like he's in rut. Well done.

Beautiful animal and really nice shots

He's a big boy. Very nice shots

Beautiful shots Hatch.

Many thanks all, I'm glad you enjoy the shots and thanks for the comments. He's such a pretty buck, I've been lucky enough to photograph him a few times.

Here he is in velvet and on a warm winter evening when the light was really nice. I hope he makes it through deer season and I get a chance to photograph him in the future.

Sony A1 by hatch1921, on Flickr

Enjoy the day all.