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Whitethroat 1200.jpg
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Great timing! I wonder how many shots you took to snag thus beauty?
Not that many to get that picture - only 3. The bird was perching, scanning area for dangers, before getting down to the nest. I observed them for three afternoons and learned simple pattern of their behaviour before taking off. Nevertheless - I took nearly 10000 pictures in three days altogether, over 6000 on the second, most fruitful afternoon. Z9 AF worked really well in those very demanding conditions, picking up and keeping in focus small birds in a very dense foliage. I set up the camera for single point to acquire focus (shutter button) and 3d with subject recognition (animals) to track (AF button).
Very nice! Great detail in the right places and enough movement.
Thank you. The picture is sheer dumb lack. The camera was set up for stationary, perching birds. 1/800 is not nearly enough to freeze movement of a small bird at that distance. Z9 kept the eye in focus for the critical fraction of a second nevertheless.