Who says Kansas isn’t beautiful?

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First two shots are from the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, in east central Kansas, in what is called the Kansas Flint Hills, near Strong City, Kansas. The tallgrass prairie once covered approximately 170 million acres of North America. Apparently today less than 4% remains, primarily in the Kansas Flint Hills.
Nikon D3300, f/11, 1/80 second exposure, iso 100, 55mm, from the 18-55mm kit lens
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Nikon D3300, f/11, 1/125 second exposure, iso 100, 38mm, from 18-55 kit lens
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his last one was taken northwest of the preserve, but also part of the Flint Hills
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Same camera, Rokinon 14mm prime, 90 second, iso 100, my first long exposure that wasn’t totally blown out. Probably hard to see, but I got the Big Dipper included.

If you haven’t been here, you need to come, although admittedly during the normal hot dry summer, the prairie doesn’t look like these. That was a good year for moisture. Thanks for viewing!
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