Why the (Paper) Kite is called the Kite !

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Venkatesh VT

Well-known member
I think all boys & girls (& men & women) who had flown a paper kite would have wondered why it was named a kite.I got my answer when i saw the balck winged kite 2 days bac hovering over a Millet field in Banglore looking for a rat with stretched open talons.Later on i googled & did find that my guess was right :)
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We have Snail Kite, Swallow-tail Kite, White-tailed Kite, Mississippi Kite, and Hook-billed Kite. In Arizona we have the White-tailed and Mississippi (in small numbers).
We have Snail Kite, Swallow-tail Kite, White-tailed Kite, Mississippi Kite, and Hook-billed Kite. In Arizona we have the White-tailed and Mississippi (in small numbers).
Do all of these hover?In India we have three types viz Black winged kite,Black kite & Brahminy kite.Out of these only Black winged kite hovers & it is also the smallest
Interesting. I think all of ours "Kite" thus the name. We also have some hawks/falcons that do the same. Red-tailed Hawks (buteo), Rough-legged Hawk (also buteo), and American Kestrel (our smallest falcon).
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