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Ado Wolf

Well-known member
These are 3 of my favorite critters to photograph, mainly because it is a challenge to spot them, a challenge to get close enough and to take a beautiful photo. These were taken in the last 2 weeks.

D7500, 300 PF, F5.6, 1/640, ISO 140
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D7500, 200-500 @500, F5.6, 1/640, ISO 360
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D7500, 300 PF + TC 14 ii, F6.3, 1/400, ISO2000
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Interesting set. I really like the backlit heron. The fox image is awfully dark.
Thanks for the feedback. I agree.. Fox photo is too dark.. that’s the jpg version. I am hoping that once I process the RAW file I will be able to pull back the shadows. Matrix metering underexposed the snow.. lesson learned.