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Well-known member
Wildebeast on the move.jpg
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My guide and I were out on our own and saw a "dazzle" of Zebras. Wildebeast are the most unsituationally aware creatures and they tend to "hang" with Zebras who are uniquely geared to early warning signals towards threats (read lions). This Wildebeast threw it into gear and I managed to get him in this action shot. My guide remarked: "God had a bunch of spare parts left over after the creation and he made the Wildebeast with them". I liked that.
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‘Fun’ fact about wildebeest: despite their name (Afrikaans wilde beeste = English wild cattle), wildebeest are antelopes. When they’re hunted by lions, it’s venison (not beef, as with buffalo) that’s on the menu.

Wonderfully dramatic image!
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My guide and I were out on our own and saw a "dazzle" of Zebras. Wildebeast are the most unsituationally aware creatures and they tend to "hang" with Zebras who are uniquely geared to early warning signals towards threats (read lions). This Wildebeast threw it into gear and I managed to get him in this action shot. My guide remarked: "God had a bunch of spare parts left over after the creation and he made the Wildebeast with them". I liked that.
Nice capture. The story also goes that the WIldebeest (also known as Gnu) is the spare part animal for others - stripes for a zebra, tail for a horse, horns for the buffalo etc etc - or something to that effect. And if you look carefully - it all makes sense :D