Wilson's Snipes and Short-billed Dowitcher

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Went to a local spot today where I usually see a Wilson's Snipe, or two, but generally hard to get close. Today they were all over the place and so busy feasting on worms, that I was able to get a little closer than I have in the past. Apparently, while the first two images are a Wilson's Snipe. The remaining images are of Short-Billed Dowitchers.

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I was just informed via a birding forum I belong to that while the first two photos above are Wilson Snipe, the remaining images are of the Short-Billed Dowitcher. They are a migratory shorebird and generally stick to salt water shores. They were last reported where I saw them in 1980 ! And last reported in the county in 2015. That explains the numbers, and why they were flying as a flock. I was using Merlin at the time for sound identification which is why I thought they were all snipe. However, it turns out I had Merlin set to only identify birds common to our area, and the DoWitchers were not in the data-base I was using.