Wimberley MH-100 MonoGimbal Head Question

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It should, but you will need an Arca Swiss plate mounted on the lens foot.

I have some experience using it with my 500 PF mounted on a Z9. The key issue will be trying to achieve a neutral balance point. I had to purchase a lens foot with a longer plate/length for my 500 PF, before I could get it to balance nicely when using my Z9.
Will my Wimberly MH-110 for Monopod mount work for New Nikon 180-600 Lens?

I've used the Wimberley mono-gimbal with lenses ranging from a 70-200mm to the 500mm PF and 600mm f/4. It works well with all of them.

As posted above you'll need an Arca Swiss plate or aftermarket Arca Swiss lens foot.