Winter snow has arrived...still a lady has to eat: Female Pileated Woodpecker at my suet feeder: Thunder Bay Ontario

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Mrs. Pileated  at suet first snowfall 0956.jpg
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Nice. They never come to our suet feeder, only stay higher in the trees unless they work on a fallen log.
You might try a different kind of suet. I've been using a "Woodpecker Treat" suet in one feeder and a high-energy suet in another adjacent feeder for the last year. The woodpeckers (PWP, downy, hairy, and flickers) generally avoid the latter suet. My gallery has a picture of a PWP on one of the feeders and others on snags and rotting rounds in the yard.
You might try a different kind of suet. I've been using a "Woodpecker Treat" suet in one feeder and a high-energy suet in another adjacent feeder for the last year. The woodpeckers (PWP, downy, hairy, and flickers) generally avoid the latter suet. My gallery has a picture of a PWP on one of the feeders and others on snags and rotting rounds in the yard.
I've used high energy suet , but for these I use peanut butter suet