Wiscoy Falls, NY

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This past Monday was an unusually warm and beautiful day (by contrast, today it's snowing🥶), so I headed to Wiscoy Creek for a little fly fishing. No luck with the trout, but I did capture this image of Wiscoy Falls, surrounded by fall foliage. One of the true glories of upstate NY.

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This past Monday was an unusually warm and beautiful day (by contrast, today it's snowing🥶), so I headed to Wiscoy Creek for a little fly fishing. No luck with the trout, but I did capture this image of Wiscoy Falls, surrounded by fall foliage. One of the true glories of upstate NY.

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Well, I'd say the trip was a success! Very nice image.
Wow. That's really a nice image, Clark. Hard to beat combining a beautiful cataract and fall colors. I like you composition avoiding the bright sky. Really well done.