Women Handholding Large Primes

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As a female , 68 year old shooter, I‘m curious what other women my age on this site are using for their super telephotos and whether they handhold them much. I’m in pretty goid shape apart from some rotater cuff issues. I can handhold the Sony 600mm GM for short periods. Thanks
Most of the women in my local photography group have traded their 400GM/600M for the 300GM and shoot that exclusively handheld. Similar image quality but you obviously can't get 840/1200mm.

If they do use a bigger lens, or even the 200-600 - they often use a monopod or tripod
I have a friend in her mid 60s that shoots with the Sony 600GM on an A1. She hand holds but carry's the combo in the Mr. Jan Gear carrier. She says it has been a game changer for her, giving her a break between hand holding moments.