Wood Duck hole

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I have a little area that is pretty secluded and I can get low and close to the water edge. Looking for comments on this image. thanks for looking
Down sized squecking Wood Duck 3-14-2020.jpg
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Used D500 with an older AI-S 400mm 2.8 with 1.4tc not sure on the distance but fairly close,probably around 20 yards at most, no crop on this. Layed on my belly at water edge.
Welcome to the forum, Guy. Your fortunate to have found a spot to capture the woodies. Good detail and a nice low angle on this shot. With such a light BG it would benefit greatly by lifting shadows selectively on the bird and lowering highlights on the rest of the image. Also applying a vignette would help tame the BG a bit.
The second image is very good; like you, I am always tend to shy away from over processing only to find that my images can, at times, lack “pop”. I’ve started to work with luminosity masks and am amazed at the difference they can make. Well done with your second attempt!