Work flow for backing up photos on site

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I plan on doing some international travel next month. I normally use a desktop to edit photos when I get back home. As a relatively new photographer, I normally don't travel with a laptop or ipad (last laptop I have is from 2010).

That said, I just rely on the card in camera to capture all my images. As a newbie, I have not backed up the card while traveling.

Do folks recommend backing up on a hard drive while shooting? If so, and no laptop or ipad while traveling, do you recommend getting one? I'm weighing the money spent on getting to a destination with cost of adding new hardware (laptop and portable hard drive) to lower my risk of losing photos due to a bad card/other issues in camera.

Would love to hear some real world experiences. Thanks to all.
You are going to get a lot of answers to this question. What do you want to bring, and how much do you want to spend? The easiest, fastest and most reliable is probably a laptop or Surface Pro tablet/laptop. After that, you will have to put a system together. And do you have preference between Mac, Windows or Android?

And depending on your camera, you may be able to write to two cards and then stick the second one away. That is probably the easiest if you camera allows, and you do not mind having extra cards.

Does your camera have dual card slots? If so, then just buy extra cards, and every night, use the camera to copy from the shooting card to your backup card. You can optionally backup to additional backup cards and give one to a travelling partner to be extra safe.

You can also take along an external 1 TB drive and use the hotel computer to backup your files to it.

For me, it is much better to have a small laptop along so I can see what I shot right away. That gives important feedback. The laptop is also great for communication and for storing information about your destinations.
I’ve only left the laptop home once over 10 years. I back up each evening. I keep the card images, too, until I’ve taken so many images that I’ve used up all cards, only then do I erase a card. I sometimes also back up the travel drive. MacBook Pro and small ssd travel drives.