Yellow-crowned Night Heron

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This morning at Huntington Beach State Park!
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Thanks for confirming its handholdable. One day… I want to handhold it.
Rental might be an option but that comes with a time frame which I can’t commit. I need to own in… 🫣

It's about 1.25 pounds heavier than the 800pf. It's not too bad at all, if you ever tried a 200-400 if I recall it's near the same weight.
Those are great shots. I have to ask as someone who's learning all I can. Why not crank up the iso a little to increase the shutter speed? Not that you needed to but just wondering.
Thank you! Yeah nothing wrong with doing what you suggested I normally keep it around 1/1000 or so when it's perched. Just a habit over the years unless I just forget and have it at 1/3200 or higher which I normally set it when flying. Like I said just a habit to dial it back when perched.