Yellow-rumped Warbler on December 10

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In Quebec city area, it's very unusual to see such a species at this time of the year, even if it's one of the last warbler species to leave our country; this one was feeding under bird feeders.
D500 + 500 PF @ 1/500, f/5.6, ISO 720.

Yellow-rumped Warbler-1210-IMG_00001.jpg
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Lovely feather detail Cristobal --- is this a member of the Thrush family ?
Thank you Gottshotz for your feedback! Warblers have their own family (Parulidae); as thrush, they frequent the same habitat (decidious forests and coniferous); here in Quebec, we are able to see about thirty of the forty existing species of eastern North America; wonderful birds with sometimes awsome colours!
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