Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, flying out of a garden tree, 280624.

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A well known member 🇦🇺 📷
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After spending about half an hour feeding in the Hakea tree, the group of about 10 Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos left the garden, this one came past on its way to the next food stop.
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Nice set of BIF shots. On one of our visits down under a couple of those guys followed us along a path and kept dropping sticks and things on us. The least hospitable Ozzies we ever encountered in all of our visits. :mad:
Really great looking bird, those guys.
I agree, up close they like all large birds can be somewhat intimidating but are inquisitive, clever, talkative amongst themselves and very noisy at times.

Nice set of BIF shots. On one of our visits down under a couple of those guys followed us along a path and kept dropping sticks and things on us. The least hospitable Ozzies we ever encountered in all of our visits. :mad:
That is quite an encounter, too close for their comfort? It is usually the local magpies that attack humans that they identify as targets.

Very nice sequence! #3 and the last are my picks!
Glad you liked the images and have favourites, mine are 1,5,7, she was keeping an eye on me all the way past.

Thank you all.