Yellowstone last February

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These are a couple of images from my February Yellowstone trip. I love that place in the winter, lots fewer people around. Last year there was heavy snow every day but one while I was there. Park closed one day because of snow fall. I got some neat sheep pictures with a kind of abstract feeling in the snow. On the one sunny day I had I was blessed to see this Red Fox, and some neat backlight buffalo. The Fox and I ran into each other twice that day. This shot is un-cropped, shot on a D750 with 200-500mm @300mm, f.5.6, 1/500.
This is the same fox about two hours later in the same thicket. You can see how he's holding his lower lip funny. In the first shot it looks like he has something in his mouth, but its actually a split lip from some mishap. I saw him throughout the day, hunting this thicket, but he was usually in deeper cover.
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