Yellowstone newbie

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In January this year, I had my first ever visit to Yellowstone NP. (Certainly not the last!) In no small way, inspired by Steve's inspiring work on BCG.
I was blown away by the park. We had great views of Wolves, Bison, Foxes, Otters, Badgers, Irmine, to name a few. However, I hadn't expected to return home with such memories of the beautiful Coyotes we saw.

Coyote, early morning on the Madison river. Nikon Z6, 500f4 + 1.4, f5.6 @ 1/320, ISO2000

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Great shot and good on ya to get into Yellowstone in January.

I've lived within day trip range to Yellowstone for a couple of decades but got in there for my first winter trip only a few years ago. My wife and I spent about a week at the snow lodge, cross country skied every day and shot a lot of photos. It's an awesome park and amazing wildlife habitat year round but it's magical in the winter when the crowds are gone and the wildlife hangs around the thermal features.
Great shot and good on ya to get into Yellowstone in January.

I've lived within day trip range to Yellowstone for a couple of decades but got in there for my first winter trip only a few years ago. My wife and I spent about a week at the snow lodge, cross country skied every day and shot a lot of photos. It's an awesome park and amazing wildlife habitat year round but it's magical in the winter when the crowds are gone and the wildlife hangs around the thermal features.
Beautiful capture

Amazing place, I am booked again for next January, if the world gets back on track🤞
Very nice shot.
Yellowstone in the winter is just amazing. I scored an unguided snowmobile tag last winter which involves jumping through many hoops but it was worth it.
I love this shot. Great composition with space for the coyote to look into. Lovely BG with the diagonals and pastel colours. Maybe the coyote's left (closest) eye could still be brightened up a bit? Just a suggestion to make a super shot even more super :)
Thanks Ingrid. I don't count myself as a post [production wizard but any suggestion for improvement are most welcome (y)
That is a great photo!
:cool: (y)
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