Young female bobcat

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Supporting Member
Just after sunrise found this very young bobcat in Tucson. Shots presented in order taken (all Nikon Z6iii and Nikon 600PF). First sighting close in a ditch below my path (01), then walked out to a small clearing (02), then lost it but heard quail flush up into a tree and found it under tree (03), then walked back towards my original location (04), then I moved back to my original location and it walked on a fallen tree branch and posed (05). Nice way to start the day!
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Just after sunrise found this very young bobcat in Tucson. Shots presented in order taken (all Nikon Z6iii and Nikon 600PF). First sighting close in a ditch below my path (01), then walked out to a small clearing (02), then lost it but heard quail flush up into a tree and found it under tree (03), then walked back towards my original location (04), then I moved back to my original location and it walked on a fallen tree branch and posed (05). Nice way to start the day!
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Excellent Fred! All really nice but I really like number 4 the best