Z 180-600 Teleconverter Test

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I started in Nikon Z system with a Z8 and Z 70-200 f2.8. Soon after got a used Z 2x to get to 400mm (a setup that works well). Eventually got Z 180-600 f5.6-6.3. Recently purchased used Z 1.4x to get closer to distant coyote pups with the longer lens.

Photos and results follow, but if you don’t want to read through, here is conclusion. Z 180-600 on its own is stellar, even at 600mm. Z 180-600 with 2x is too soft to be worthwhile (not to mention the small aperture with two stop light loss). Z 180-600 with 1.4x is very good and just slightly better than cropping bare 600 to same size (assuming you can deal with one stop light loss).

As usual, I was shooting bare 180-600 when I discovered a distant litter of coyote pups at a small Arizona preserve. From within the preserve there is a gate that prevents closer access, so cropping is all I could do. Results in decent environmental shot by cropping to an acceptable degree and post processing.

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I return next afternoon with 2x attached (and tripod), though I have doubts. As suspected, images are soft and most get deleted. Only a couple are worth keeping after heavy processing, but even then they are not great. Small aperture is also a problem.

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I purchase a used 1.4x and try it out on two successive afternoons. This seems to be a good compromise: sharper (but just barely) than cropping bare lens to same size once post processing is applied. One stop light loss is not ideal, but I am comfortable using this setup when needed. (Heat haze is sometimes an issue though).

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Main reserve does not allow closer access, but there is a bike path just behind den that is quite close. In one morning and several afternoons (after work) I go there to get closer with bare lens. Pups are often hiding and thick brush is a challenge to shoot through, but when it works it is great. This proves what we already know: there is no substitute for getting close enough to fill the frame. I have the lens at its sharpest, I have no light loss from teleconverter, I have no atmospheric distortion. On ninth night pups are starting to explore bike path and when I check two different nights following they are gone and entire family has moved out of den site.

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I go to arroyo behind my condo with tripod to do controlled tests which confirm my findings. These are shot far away and cropped to near pixel level. 1.4x at a distance is just slightly sharper (or a tie?) than cropping bare lens to same amount of enlargement while 2x is a bit too soft. Conclusion: Z 2x is excellent with my Z 70-200 f2.8 and also worked well on the one test I did with a rented Z 400 f4.5 lens. Obviously Z 1.4x is stellar with both of these lenses. It is also decent with Z 180-600 if you can live with small maximum aperture.

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