Z6II in Manual mode doing its own thing

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My Z6II in M mode with auto ISO changes aperture when I'm turning the shutterspeed dial. It does not matter if I turn it left or right Aperture goes up, never down. Then I can manually dial the aperture back to normal but does not seem normal behavior to me.

I did use two different lenses with the same behavior (the 24-70F4 and the 28mm F2.8, both Z mount)

Does anybody recongnize this and maybe have solved it, would you please share youre thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

Manual should give independent control over shutter speed and f number, unless you have some safety shift override set in your camera menus. Not sure what Nikon calls it, but check your manual with words like exposure protection, safety override, etc.
Manual should give independent control over shutter speed and f number, unless you have some safety shift override set in your camera menus. Not sure what Nikon calls it, but check your manual with words like exposure protection, safety override, etc.
Thanks for the suggestion, that came across my mind but I have never heard of it in the Nikon context, I will search the manual
Why not just set the dials the way you want them, why a total reset? Reset all settings is usually in the setup tab of a camera menu.
Why not just set the dials the way you want them, why a total reset? Reset all settings is usually in the setup tab of a camera menu.
What makes you think my dials are configured the wrong way, I did switch them intentionally with the Aperture at front and shutterspeed at the back. Although the behavior of camera is not what I expect, the Aperture does not need to change when I change shutterspeed in Manual modus.
I thought from previous posts that you had solved the mystery by realizing you had swapped the dials by accident. If not, as you said a full reset might be worth a try before sending in for a repair. Maybe re-install the firmware along that same line of thought.
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If you turn off auto iso and shoot full M does it work normally?
The same thing is still happening with iso to manual. But by speaking of swapping, when I configure it the other way around. Aperture at the back and Shutterspeed at the front everything acts normal and when I swith it back, Aperture goes his own way. (All in Manual mode). So thanks for bringing the swapping under my attention but it is still not ok that when I switch back to "normal" Aperture leads its own life.
I also re-installed the firmware version and no difference. Somehow I have the feeling it is my "fault" by setting a feature I did not intentionally want.
I got my Z6ii out and played around with the settings but can't find anything that makes it behave like yours. You swapped the main/sub dials by turning the option on in f5 (Customize command dials) correct?

What I would try is to save the menu settings to a card, Reset all settings, and then set the camera on Manual, swap the dials and see how the camera behaves. Then load the menu settings back into the Z6ii and see how it behaves. That should tell you if something you changed in your settings caused the issue or if there is an issue with the camera.