Z6iii ‘Link VR to focus point’ doesn’t work with Z VR lenses

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That’s most of my glass then!
I thought this might be useful for wildlife, but I guess it can’t be synced with lens VR and, as far as I know, you can‘t disable lens VR in my Z100-400 or 600/6.3?

I can see how Focus Point VR would be helpful for wildlife images. However Z9 & Z8 cameras don’t have Focus Point VR and when using VR the ability to capture sharp wildlife images works just fine. I’m not concerned about this limitation on Z6III and Zf cameras.
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I read that differently: linking VR to the focus point works only with Z mount lenses that have VR.
The caution states that when setting Focus Point VR to ON with the use of VR enabled Z lenses, VR will only occur centered at the midpoint of the sensor, not at the focus point. The same limitation applies when using Auto Area AF and multiple points of focus are identified. I think the concern by Peter_P is based on a correct reading of the caution.
I read that differently: linking VR to the focus point works only with Z mount lenses that have VR.
I re-read it and thought you were right! Then I re-read it again and think my original post was correct 😁
I expect it won’t be a major issue, but I thought it would be useful for any action photography, so I was just surprised by the limitation.
Maybe next firmware 😜
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