Z6iii capability

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Now that the Z6iii is a reality, it looks like Nikon is already overwhelmed with pre/orders! So if you’re not in early it may be a while before you get one. But my concern with the camera is whether it will have a “Recall Shooting” function. This has been such a valuable capability on my Z8. I considered the Z6iii as a backup to the Z8 but don’t know if it can be setup to mimic the Z8. Does anyone know?
Correct, no RSF. This is another omission that I think quite a few will find off putting about the Z6III. I am a Z9 shooter so I have no interest in this camera but I also wouldn't have interest as a wildlife and BIF shooter. I use RSF as my way of instantly changing from Bird to Animal SD. I do understand that the Z6III doesn't have Bird SD but if it does get it (which I am doubting) then I would need the RFS added as well and that may be a lot to ask Nikon for since then left it out on launch, with no reason to do so, I don't think they are coming to the Z6III
From what I could tell, the Z6iii was designed for skateboard videos but the launch was 5am, before coffee and I'm not quite sure.

So Denny Givertz is a young (kid!) up-and-coming filmmaker, just launched his first full-feature and got great reviews. He does mostly commercial work for fairly big brands. I always enjoyed his channel, he is extremely generous with his how-tos and has a great on-screen personality. He is also a master color grader.

Anyway, He is a diehard Sony shooter but Nikon somehow got him to do this short:

It also does not have Cycle AF. It may be that a firmware update will provide this someday or it may be an artificial limitation to create differentiation. Although I have to say I have never used RSF on my Z8 so I wouldn’t miss it. :)
Dear Dedicated Wildlife Shooters,

Please don't buy a Z63. It won't match up to your Z8 or Z9. Your cat will scowl at you. Your cat will leave hair all over your Z63. It won't cycle your cat food, and it won't recall which food your cat likes best.

What it will do is make a light travel kit that will give you lots of low light possibilities, and might help as second body wildlife camera, especially for those that can't afford the low light, fast $15,000 primes and those not looking to print super large. Those with the 600PF and 800PF might have much cleaner images.

My coffee cat, Cortado, and I have watched all of the skateboard videos. He told me that the Z63 will capture his whiskers beautifully as he zooms by at sunset, and he said mom might even pick up a lighter camera. Cortado pressed the pre-order button.

We will be surprised if the Z63 ever gets bird, RSH, or Cycle AF. Cortado and I will consider that a gift if we do.

Just some perspective from a coffee cat.
It also does not have Cycle AF. It may be that a firmware update will provide this someday or it may be an artificial limitation to create differentiation. Although I have to say I have never used RSF on my Z8 so I wouldn’t miss it. :)
I personally find the Cycle AF mode to be really useless, atleast for fast action, wildlife and BIF. When you can just map 3 different AF modes to your back buttons AF ON, DISP and the sub selector, that is infinitely faster and easier that multiple presses on a button and if you pass the mode you want to you have to cycle back around again. That would cause missed opportunities for sure
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Dear Dedicated Wildlife Shooters,

We will be surprised if the Z63 ever gets bird, RSH, or Cycle AF. Cortado and I will consider that a gift if we do.
From a technical ‘it has an Expeed7 in it’ standpoint…they could easily give us all of those and then it gets pretty close to what it’s big brothers can do in addition to being a great low light and travel body. While I agree that they could withhold those features for model differentiation…they didn’t hold them back from the Z8 and at least for birds the Z8 had it first. Given they keep upgrading firmware almost across the board to add new features…and given that they already wrote the code to do all of those…the code will run on the Z6III with not much change needed…so why wouldn’t they upgrade the Z6III outside of some business decision? I guess we will all find out later…but TBH…it would be a travel and lightweight but decent wildlife body for me…dedicated photo ops would see the Z8s used instead.
I personally find the Cycle AF mode to be really useless, atleast for fast action, wildlife and BIF. When you can just map 3 different AF modes to your back buttons AF ON, DISP and the sub selector, that is infinitely faster and easier that multiple presses on a button and if you pass the mode you want to you have to cycle back around again. That would cause missed opportunities for sure
True…but for me I have AF On set to be whatever mode I want and DISP and Fn2 are set tp 2 different I need them now modes. But…Cycle AF let’s one eliminate things like Dynamic which I never use from ever being selected and with 4-5 turned on in Cycle a couple taps gets AF On to what works best for the new situation but might not be on one of the dedicated mode buttons…its just faster. For me…the I need it now button ps are for OmG, BIF I need 1/3200, wide open instantly…as opposed to looking at a heron across the way that Wide Large is having trouble with and I want Wide Small or my rarely used single for the next few minutes. The dedicated mode buttons are for quick reaction, cycle lets me hide the areas I will never use. I’ve tried it both ways…and cycle works better for me most of the time.…but whatever works for a particular person ain’t wrong.
I personally find the Cycle AF mode to be really useless, atleast for fast action, wildlife and BIF. When you can just map 3 different AF modes to your back buttons AF ON, DISP and the sub selector, that is infinitely faster and easier that multiple presses on a button and if you pass the mode you want to you have to cycle back around again. That would cause missed opportunities for sure
Horses for courses as they say. Since I’m not able to shoot as often as I’d like I wouldn’t really be in the habit of using three fingers for handoff and trying to remember everything. Easier for me to select the 4 modes for cycle AF and pause for a second.
From a technical ‘it has an Expeed7 in it’ standpoint…they could easily give us all of those and then it gets pretty close to what it’s big brothers can do in addition to being a great low light and travel body. While I agree that they could withhold those features for model differentiation…they didn’t hold them back from the Z8 and at least for birds the Z8 had it first. Given they keep upgrading firmware almost across the board to add new features…and given that they already wrote the code to do all of those…the code will run on the Z6III with not much change needed…so why wouldn’t they upgrade the Z6III outside of some business decision? I guess we will all find out later…but TBH…it would be a travel and lightweight but decent wildlife body for me…dedicated photo ops would see the Z8s used instead.
Actually the Z8 had plane subject detection first. The Z9 got the Bird SD almost 5 months after the Z9.

Also the code likely won't run on the Z6III for to the completely different sensor. Maybe they won't need to recode the SD but they will need to likely adapt it, as the AF comes directly off the sensor and that would be pretty different.

Also the dual pipe that streams data from the EVF to 2 different process isn't in the Z6III. So that is very different as well
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True…but for me I have AF On set to be whatever mode I want and DISP and Fn2 are set tp 2 different I need them now modes. But…Cycle AF let’s one eliminate things like Dynamic which I never use from ever being selected and with 4-5 turned on in Cycle a couple taps gets AF On to what works best for the new situation but might not be on one of the dedicated mode buttons…its just faster. For me…the I need it now button ps are for OmG, BIF I need 1/3200, wide open instantly…as opposed to looking at a heron across the way that Wide Large is having trouble with and I want Wide Small or my rarely used single for the next few minutes. The dedicated mode buttons are for quick reaction, cycle lets me hide the areas I will never use. I’ve tried it both ways…and cycle works better for me most of the time.…but whatever works for a particular person ain’t wrong.
I use 3 AF modes on the back of my camera.

AF ON - Auto Area
Sub Selector - single point
Shutter button is also auto area AF mode for the passive white AF box with arrows so i can dictate what i want the camera to focus on not you can make that something different, so that's 4 AF modes with +AF ON.. i just move my DISP to the flash button on the top

My front FN buttons are for toggles like RSF, Silent and Switch FX/DX. I just find it very mindless to have all my AF modes accessible by my thumb and never have to take my finger off the shutter button

As a wildlife and BIF shooter and bird SD I literally only need auto area 99% of the time the other 1% is a mix of 3D and single point. I have never found any need to disable subject detection so I've totally disabled all the dynamic AF modes. Of course always shoot the way that works best for you. I just find cycle AF modes to be far too clunky and slow for me.
I use 3 AF modes on the back of my camera.

AF ON - Auto Area
Sub Selector - single point
Shutter button is also auto area AF mode for the passive white AF box with arrows so i can dictate what i want the camera to focus on not you can make that something different, so that's 4 AF modes with +AF ON.. i just move my DISP to the flash button on the top

My front FN buttons are for toggles like RSF, Silent and Switch FX/DX. I just find it very mindless to have all my AF modes accessible by my thumb and never have to take my finger off the shutter button

As a wildlife and BIF shooter and bird SD I literally only need auto area 99% of the time the other 1% is a mix of 3D and single point. I have never found any need to disable subject detection so I've totally disabled all the dynamic AF modes. Of course always shoot the way that works best for you. I just find cycle AF modes to be far too clunky and slow for me.
There ar a zillion ways to set it up…and I keep tweaking mine. I will have to try using Auto Area more…I am usually in Wide small or large by default but since it works for you it’s worth a try.
There ar a zillion ways to set it up…and I keep tweaking mine. I will have to try using Auto Area more…I am usually in Wide small or large by default but since it works for you it’s worth a try.
Yes there are many many way and ideas. Though with Bird SD the superior AF mode is Auto Area. So much so i find no need at all ever for the wide area AF modes unless I'm in Animal SD. So set your blocked shot setting to level 5 (menu item A3) and subject motion to steady. The reason for blocked level 5 is 3D can only use level 3 and will automatically default level 3 whether you use it but Auto Area can use 3, 4 and 5. So setting it to level 5 is the most sticky for Auto Area and you'll not have to change it to use 3D just set it and forget it
Yes there are many many way and ideas. Though with Bird SD the superior AF mode is Auto Area. So much so i find no need at all ever for the wide area AF modes unless I'm in Animal SD. So set your blocked shot setting to level 5 (menu item A3) and subject motion to steady. The reason for blocked level 5 is 3D can only use level 3 and will automatically default level 3 whether you use it but Auto Area can use 3, 4 and 5. So setting it to level 5 is the most sticky for Auto Area and you'll not have to change it to use 3D just set it and forget it
Cool suggestion…I will give it a whirl and see how I like it. I’m a firm Bieber in borrowing techniques…no need to reinvent the wheel.