Z6iii Noise Issue?

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I purchased a Z6iii with a Nikkor 100-400 S-line zoom lens. I set the camera to semi-manual mode because I use auto ISO. I chose spot metering and single point AF. 1/3200, f/5.6 @400mm. I am very disappointed with the amount of noise in the photos and high 8000 ISO the Z6iii assigned, especially for a sunny morning. Anyone else experience high or unexpected noise with the Z6iii?


  • Barred Owl Noise Sample-1.jpg
    Barred Owl Noise Sample-1.jpg
    940.3 KB · Views: 37
The iso the camera assigns is going to be the same, not different from one camera to another. It would be based on the light and how reflective the scene is, and the f number and shutter speed. A z9 would assign the same iso under the same circumstances.
Yes, the camera "assigned" ISO 8000 because it needed that to correctly expose the scene with the aperture and shutter speed you selected. Did you brighten the image in post? Was the owl in the shade? The scene was over 4 stops darker than "Sunny 16", so it wasn't bright and sunny on the owl.
I purchased a Z6iii with a Nikkor 100-400 S-line zoom lens. I set the camera to semi-manual mode because I use auto ISO. I chose spot metering and single point AF. 1/3200, f/5.6 @400mm. I am very disappointed with the amount of noise in the photos and high 8000 ISO the Z6iii assigned, especially for a sunny morning. Anyone else experience high or unexpected noise with the Z6iii?
I think the problem is setting shutter speed at 1/3200th, and you could have easily dropped down to 1/1000th for a stationary subject or less. It was apparently not that bright in reality.

The camera is also going to set the exposure based on what it's metering, so I would not blame the camera for doing what it was told to do.
Thanks bleirer and aolander for the replies. I did not brighten the image, i just converted to jpeg to post. I understand the camera chooses the ISO when I elect auto ISO, I was just surprised at the level of noise. It was a sunny morning but the owl was sitting in a tree and not in direct sunlight.
This chart shows how the z6iii does for noise compared to the z9. The z6iii is a little better, but not much. The low light iso ranking that site uses actually has the z6iii a little better than the z9, which makes sense given the fewer pixels.

I think he was asking about cropping because noise can seem worse with cropping. You could post here without cropping, just downsample the jpeg when exporting but keep the image the same size.