Z6iii with 600 PF - Video Possibilities for Wildlife

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Hooligans Imagery

Michael H
Supporting Member
Interesting to go through the different choices. He self admittedly whines a bit about how hard it is to change settings in the field, but it's good to know the limitations. Title is misleading; he likes all the options.

Interesting to go through the different choices. He self admittedly whines a bit about how hard it is to change settings in the field, but it's good to know the limitations. Title is misleading; he likes all the options.

Kacey is one of my favorite YTubers. Funny and says it like he sees it, even trashing sponsors when they send him junk. He isn't technical, but he used lots of cameras and lenses.
I really need to start learning by fire with video. I need to go back and digest his commentary.

He isn't an instructor by any stretch, and obsessed with slow motion (and rightfully his A7Siii and Zeiss lenses). There is a thread somewhere listing good learning resources to get into it; I recommend Phillip Bloom's masterclasses on Mzed.