Z7ii opinions

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Supporting Member
Hi all,

I am thinking of getting a new z7ii while they are on sale for a $1000 off. I am thinking of using it for landscape photos.
I already have the z8 that I use for wildlife, so the 7ii will just be my landscape camera. I have the z 20 and z 24-70 lens
that I plan to use with it.

Do any of you have an opinion on using the Z7ii for landscape photography or opinions of the 7ii in general?

It's certainly a good camera, but hard to use side by side with a Z8 since the capabilities and focus system operation are quite different. While the edge goes to a Z7ii, I don't think anyone could see the difference in images under normal use. Maybe if you were making very large prints - but the difference is minimal.
Yeah I'm not sure you'll see any difference in output. It's saves 200 Grams in weight, which is about a medium sized apple. But I wouldn't do it solely for image quality. You can probably shave that weight easily somewhere else in the kit.
I own the Z7II. If you already have the Z8, there is no reason to get the Z7II as a landscape camera (even though it is phenomenal at that) unless reducing every ounce you can in your camera bag is important because you regularly hike long distances for your landscape photography.
The z7ii is super light and has equivalent quality image to a z8/9 if not slightly better.

If you want something super light and compact it does the job. Autofocus is adequate for landscape and general street use. With a compact pancake lens it feels lighter than a Leica rangefinder,