z8 af on button

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my z8 af on button assigned to BBF, it focuses ok but we onto take pictures, it's assigned to af on only but shutter is still taking pictures, only seems to have happened since firmware update , or is that just a coincidence, TIA
You want to check that the shutter button is customized to not autofocus but activate the shutter only (and wake up the meter of course).
should read can't not onto

Now your first post makes sense! The AF-ON button will not activate the shutter when you use BBF, only the focus. This enables you to maintain focus while waiting for 'the moment' to take the picture(s) using the shutter button. Easier that holding a half press and instant focus lock if you want it by releasing the AF-ON button.

All of my Nikon and Fuji cameras work like this since I started to use BBF in 2008.