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Currentely, I own Z8 (1000 gr with L bracket and battery with cards) and Z lenses. For light traveling and hiking, I set 14-30+28-400 (= 1300 gr) and essential accessories and very light bag pack: Total 3.5kg minimum. for my age of 60, still its heavy for hiking and traveling (and bulky). Before I set Sony a7Cii and R with small lenses but I was not satisfy because of file quality and very small body that confused me to put my fingers in right places, besides very small VF. Earlier I set Fujifilm with lighter and smaller lenses with perfect picture quality but worms-issues! Finally I moved to Nikon Z series and I amazed for DR, IQ, and all in one features. Even non-S lenses are identical for quality performance. (Z lenses are heavy but worth to carry for best creating high quality). If I want to pack my gear for a project seriously I prefer to buy another Z8 to keep muscles memory and keeping same files for post. BUT, as I mentioned, I need higher body for hiking and traveling. Z6iii doesn't provide same DR as Z8 for photography and its with less MP resolution (although has same Prosecco tech). Z7 ii has older processor but same MP as Z8. Z5 ii full frame and 26 MP with all latest features is coming soon which is 600 gr only (Body) which is 500 gr less than my Z8 and with combination of 14-30+28-400 and essential accessories into light bag pack will be: 2.5 kg Max. (Just to save space and weight). I will be happy if anybody share opinion with me. Thank you