Z8 battery

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My Z6 worked with aftermarket batteries, my Z8 does not :( I bought two extra 15c batteries to compliment the one that came with the Z8, hopefully that'll be enough for day trips and events. Crutchfield has the new EN-EL15c batteries for $60 with free shipping, best price I've seen thus far.
I just checked and they are on backorder again...
How many generations of the En-EL 15 battery can you use with the Z8? My D500 and D7100 both used versions of this battery

When I got my D810 from a D700 I found that the batteries from the D700 worked OK. I also bought a couple of batteries for the D810 along the way. Then I got a D850. Some of my old batteries worked OK, others would not even turn the camera on.

On the batteries' silver label it will show Li-ion10 or Li-ion 20. TheLi-ion 20s worked in my D850, the others did not. This might also apply to the Z8. Using my Li-ion 20s from the D810 in the D850 might have affected some performance areas, buyt I never noticed any difference.
Mirrorless and DSLRs are simply NOT the same. a Mirrorless has an EVF which consumes power. AND the Z8/Z9 have the brightest EVF in just about any camera available today.

1) Just use Nikon batteries and you will not have any issues. EN-15B & C will recharge in the body. EN-EL15A batteries can be used too - but will not recharge in the camera.

2) Battery power is used when the camera is turned on - you can take as many shots as you wish when it is turned on. One or many many thousands. Turn the camera off when you are not using it. [BTW this helps protect the VR system in the lens since it is locked into place when power is off]

3) You can turn down the brightness of the EVF and LCD and that saves power; reduce the period before the camera goes into standby.

Batteries are party of the camera system - they contain sensors that the camera requires. Cheap 3rd party batteries simply will not work. Nikon batteries are cheap for the Z8.
Mirrorless and DSLRs are simply NOT the same. a Mirrorless has an EVF which consumes power. AND the Z8/Z9 have the brightest EVF in just about any camera available today.

I'm using batteries from my D850 in my Z6ii. I know that the Z8 is a different camera but it might be that even if they don't last as long some older batteries could do a job in the Z8.
I'm using batteries from my D850 in my Z6ii. I know that the Z8 is a different camera but it might be that even if they don't last as long some older batteries could do a job in the Z8.
The D850 came with EN-EL15b rechargeable Li-ion battery with terminal cover, MH-25a battery charger (comes with either an AC wall adapter or power cable of a type and shape that varies with the country or region of sale), HDMI/USB cable clip, UC-E22 USB cable, AN-DC18 strap and BF-1B body cap

As noted EN-EL15b are both useable in the Z8 and rechargeable in camera.

Cheap 3rd party batteries ARE NOT.
The early EN-EL15 battery will work if it is marked Li-ion20. I've tested this one. The earlier ones marked Li-ion01 may not work. The latest version - the EN-EL15C has 30% more capacity than earlier versions. Only the B and C versions support in-camera charging.

Third party batteries generally will not work. There are some exceptions if they can communicate with the camera and have the current chip.

Batteries from a D700 are quite old at this point. It's time to replace them even if they work in a pinch.

The Z8 has higher peak demand for power than a D700 or D810. The chip in the battery is part of a system to help manage battery life and power consumption.

The battery serial number contains the year and month it was produced. You can check the actual age of your batteries.
Perhaps you should read your own post AND also the title of this thread.

You mean the bit about how many generations of the EN-EL 15 batteries work in a Z8? The EN-EL 15 battery is used in both dSLRs and the Z cameras.

My other post said "I'm using batteries from my D850 in my Z6ii. I know that the Z8 is a different camera but it might be that even if they don't last as long some older batteries could do a job in the Z8."

Can't see anything in that which might cause anyone to bring up their breakfast.
Got excited seeing a digital camera world article that the new Manfrotto Professional Li-ion Battery, Nikon, EN-EL15c, MKII is 2400 mAh, vs 2280 for the Nikon version and the article stated lists it as compatible with the z8, but on B and H website they say in Q&A it will NOT work with z8.
i have a question into Manfrotto, but suspect B&H know what they speak of.