Z8: can I completely disable jpeg?

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it's probably not possible, I couldn't find anything but I wanted to ask, maybe I am missing something.

I am pretty new to the Z8 and currently reading Steve's awesome setup guide.

I had set up shootings banks for wildlife, macro and birds and basically changed the AF settings and VR.
I forgot about image quality. I only shoot RAW which was set for bank A (wildlife) but for bank B (birds) it was not set and today I accidentally only recorded jpegs of some nice grey heron shots.
I only noticed this at home.
It also sucks that Nikon sets it to "NORM" which doesn't even mean anything useful.

I've now set all banks to RAW and I may even abandon banks again, as Steve also uses the i-menu for everything if I understood him correctly but I am not yet at the i-menu section of his book (hopefully will finish it today).

That being said, the Z8 allows to turn off certain options but I would like to disable stuff like jpeg. My experience is, that if I can use the wrong settings accidentally, I probably will, no matter which camera.
So to protect myself, I would like to limit many things to the stuff I really want to use.

One idea might be to abandon banks and only add to the i-menu the stuff I regularly change and then not touch the rest of the menu much except for rarely used settings.

Perhaps start by going to the shooting menu - image quality.

This is where you can set RAW only, jpeg/HEIF only (three file sizes) or RAW plus 3 sizes of jpeg/HEIF.

I did go to that menu. What I want to do is to remove the jpeg options so that I cannot accidentally select jpeg again. I want the menu to only contain RAW.
There isn’t a way of removing jpeg from the menus. When I get a camera the first thing I always do it change that setting.

As far as banks go the way I set it up for myself is I use custom setting banks for wildlife, portrait, and landscape. I set shooting banks for action and stills. Then I use whatever combo works. I changed the I menu to let me switch both banks on each custom settings banks and I set a function button to let me switch shooting banks.

I think the reason why Nikon and Fuji (can’t speak to other vendors) default to jpeg is that they think everyone wants their secret sauce for image processing and that it gives people usable output without a computer.
I did go to that menu. What I want to do is to remove the jpeg options so that I cannot accidentally select jpeg again. I want the menu to only contain RAW.
I don't believe you can do that, at least with the pre-Z Nikons I owned. it could be something new but I didn't see it as I was perusing the menu of a Z6ii a few months ago. I also did not like the way Nikon implemented the shooting banks on the D500. Not sure if they are different on the Z system. What I didn't like is the shooting banks were not really a baseline to which you can return. If you are in bank A for example and change something like ISO from Auto to 100, or change a focusing option, that change now becomes the setting for that bank. Going to a different bank and back to A does not reset it to whatever baseline you had for the bank it just picks up the last settings you used there.

I like the U1, U2, U3 kind of setup far better. That way I can have totally different settings on each of these, make all the changes I want while I am in that setting and unless I go into the menu and save the new settings to the "bank" when I go back to U1 from U2, it returns to whatever was my baseline in that dial position..

I'm probably not explaining it clearly (not enough coffee this morning). However, a watch out with Nikon shooting banks is if you make any changes while in that bank and you do not want them to become the new settings for that bank, you need to remember to set them back to whatever you had originally before moving to something else.

They may have changed that for the Z8 but you should check it out before getting in the field and wondering why something doesn't work the way you thought.

Hope this helps.
You disable the jpeg option - by not turning it on. Similar to menu options on a smart phone, laptop, etc. And remember that some features, like pre-capture currently, can only be used in jpeg.
Also mpeg is a format to view images, as well as for storing, while raw is a storage format….and even if you shoot raw, the camera must convert to jpeg to display any images on the view screens.