Z8 Exposure Mode Changes Erratically - Frustrating....

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Thought I would ask the experts on this one.... Loving my Z8 however I have times when I have it set to Manual thne when taking shots it changed to Shutter Priority?? A google search suggested it was because I had Auto ISO on. If that is true, can someone please explain why Auto ISO would do that if that is actually the reason it changes? Thx for your insight......
Nothing about using Auto ISO should change exposure modes while shooting. Not sure what web post suggested that, but nope, Auto ISO won’t change exposure mode.

What lens are you shooting with and does it have a control ring that might have accidentally been set to change exposure mode?

I would guess that some programmable control is being bumped while shooting either changing the exposure mode or changing settings like aperture or exposure compensation in a way that makes it appear the camera is changing modes.
It occurs on my 24-200 and 180-600. Had not set buttons on the control ring. I do have banks set that I change with the info button but very careful that I not hit anything after it is set. I am adjusting EV but notice the mode is changed before I perform an adjustment. Other thoughts ?
My only random thought is that something is set to time out, like auto sleep or auto shut down, that is then woken up by pressing any button. I know when this happens on my Canon it goes back to default settings upon wake up. So maybe check the sleep or auto poweroff times.
I agree with Dave, you may have inadvertently set a button to change functions. It can be easy to accidentally change settings this way without realizing it (don't ask me how I know.) One option, which if you have not saved your current settings can be a hassle, but would be to do a factory reset of all settings and see if the problem persists. If so, it might mean a trip to a Nikon Service Center. Good luck, Ken
Great advice above already, something else you can do is to store your current configuration to your memory card, reset your camera to factory defaults, and see if the behaviour persists. You can always restore from the mem card again afterwards.

At least you know then, but 99% certain you have a setting changed between the different banks, causing you hassle.
If you are using banks make sure the banks you are switching between are both set to manual exposure.

Check the Custom Controls Shooting and make sure that you don't have shooting mode set to one of the custom buttons. The shooting mode is labeled as MODE so it should be easy to spot in your custom controls settings. It does require the use of a button and a dial to change modes.

Also check in Custom Controls Shooting to see that you don't have a button assigned to Recall Shooting functions hold, if so check to see if it is set to change exposure mode.
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