Z8 hot card warning

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I’ve been using a Sandisk sd card and a xqd card in my z8 but started getting hot card errors so I bought a delkin green cf express card because I read it would help with the hot card errors but I’m still getting the error and the card is so hot right out of camera I can barely hold it in my hand!(ps I’m not a wuss:) ). Is this normal? It’s not even hot outside but I am shooting fast and lots...hummingbirds. Is this going to damage this expensive card I just bought?
Hard card warnings are just that, telling you the card is hot. Seems to be normal with the z8, being that it's pushing a lot of data into an area with a battery and the card, generating a lot of heat without a good way to bleed it off (since your hand is also there).

Delkin black, angelbird, and a few other brands are cooler running, might be worth giving those a shot if you're concerned.

The card should be fine.