Z8 image glitch

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Several times I have had images that were not readable (see below). Sometimes the thumbnail appears correct, mostly when rendered in small size, but the actual image is unreadable.
I am shooting Lossless Raw at 20 fps. I have tried to view the image on different software (LR Classic, Apple Photos) and different computers (both Macs). Not all the images are messed up, maybe only 5%, but they can appear together in groups of 5-20.

The card is a Delkin Black 150GB.

Wondering if this is a camera issue, card issue or something else. Appreciate your thoughts.

You can only see EXIF info for this image if you are logged in.
Thanks, forgot to mention I did try both direct transfer via USB C to the computer, and via copying to an SD card then inserting into the reader. Same problem.

So seems to be either a problem with the Delkin Black card itself or a problem with the camera writing to the card...?
Delkin's customer service is very good, so contact them for help if needed. You might need deep formatting or some other support.

Try scrolling through images and see if the problem image can be view on the camera. The image you see is an embedded JPEG in the raw file, but is made in the camera from the NEF data.
Delkin's customer service is very good, so contact them for help if needed. You might need deep formatting or some other support.

Try scrolling through images and see if the problem image can be view on the camera. The image you see is an embedded JPEG in the raw file, but is made in the camera from the NEF data.
Thanks, is the "deep formatting" you refer to the "Full" format option in the camera? I'll give the full format a try and see if that helps. I usually do the quick format to erase the card.

And yes, I can see the image on the camera screen, and export what looks like a normal jpeg of the image.
The image you see on the camera screen is a jpeg. I'd try a different card first and hopefully that will solve the problem. Delkin will ask you to do a full format before they authorize a return (I just went thru it a few months back with one of their Black 325gb cards that would lock up the Z9). That is an option for the Z9, as you indicated when formatting you have a choice of quick or deep. Personally I would try another card first. If the card and card reader are eliminated, I'd download Nikon Studio NX (free) and see if that will read the raw files. If those things are all eliminated, then send the camera in.
From your description, it sounds like a bad sector(s) on the card.