Z8 In Camera Backup

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Planning a trip. I currently use Delkin Power 128 CFE B and Delkin Power 128 SD.
I will set my SD slot to backup.
Does it make sense to purchase a larger SD and leave this in while removing and replacing the CFE cards when full?
Will this create any kind of numbering/sequence issues when inserting a new CFE card?
And yes, I will also backup the CFE cards separately on portable SSD.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Thanks for your thoughts.
You can use different sized cards without numbering problems.

It really depends on what you plan to photograph but if high frame rates or especially long bursts at high frame rates are important then in-camera backup to an SD card can really slow down your shooting. If you're shooting more static scenes and subjects and won't need high frame rates or long bursts then sure in-camera backup might give you some peace of mind. Personally I only use the SD card in my Z8 for overflow and then transfer images off the camera every day after shooting.