Z8 / M + Auto ISO / Lens Control Ring - Behaviour

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Just checking the following is the correct/expected behaviour of a Z8 in M + Auto ISO mode when you have exposure compensation assigned to the control ring ?

Step 1. When you start turning the control ring, the exposure meter in the EVF behaves as an exsposure compensation meter. You will see the EV compensation value changing, immediately, in real time until it gets to where you want it. (Lets say you dial in +1.3) There is no lag of any significance.

Step 2. When (or very soon after) you stop turning the control ring you've got the EV +/- value you want and can start shooting but the meter will now be displaying '0' (zero) Your EV value is still +1.3. If thats the value you want, everything is fine and you carry on shooting. It doesnt matter that the meter is now diplaying '0' or reverting to simply behaving as an exposure meter. (If you press the EV+/- button on the body at this point it will confirm that the current exposure compensation value is +1.3)

Step 3. You now want to change the EV value for a myriad of possible reasons and you want the EVF meter to kick in as an exposure compensation meter again. IE move from +1.3 to some other value. This time the control ring is working exactly as per step 1 but the reaction from the meter (showing the increments like like it did in Step 1) is not immediate / in real time. There is a significant lag where you don't see any value at all on the meter at the point you start turning the control ring again.

I can work with or around it most of the time but just checking that its normal behaviour.