Z8 standby issue

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New to the forum, but a long time fan of the BCG YouTube channel!

My camera recently started doing the following, and I can't seem to find any information on it.

Once it goes into standby, within seconds it turns right back on. It will do this continually.

I've tried the following:
Making sure everything is clean
Factory reset
Different lenses ( appeared 1st time I put the 180-600 on)
Without cards in body
General look of all settings

I'm on firmware c2.0, I realize there is a newer version but haven't tried that.

I greatly appreciate any information.

Trying to think of reasons a camera in general would wake up from a sleep type setting. Maybe check your manual in the standby section but usually touching the shutter or maybe a button like af-on. Perhaps you have something telling the camera a button is being partially depressed or maybe a faulty button sending that signal. Or perhaps inadvertently brushing a button.
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