Z8 viewfinder not working

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I am on a trip in Costa Rica and my Z8 viewfinder went dark yesterday and today will not show anything. Either dark or vertical pattern. If I use live view the camera works fine. I have a 600 prime lens attached. I will co tact Nikon upon returning home. Wondering if anyone else has had this issue. Thank you.
I agree with Cameron. Here's the relevant section from my Z8/9 Guide:

Limit Monitor Mode Selection

This is another setting I think everyone should spare a moment for and tailor to their specific needs. (Also, sorry for the lack of screen shots in this section - the Z8/9 disables this menu when plugged into a screen capture device…aargh).

The Limit Monitor Mode Selection menu controls what display options the Monitor Mode button can toggle between (the button on the side of the viewfinder). Let’s look at the options, then I’ll share what I do.

Automatic Display Switch - This option will automatically swap between the viewfinder and rear LCD panel based on where your eye is.

Viewfinder Only - Yup, you guessed it, this option sets the camera so the back LCD stays off no matter what.

Monitor Only - This is like viewfinder only, but this time the camera won’t turn on the viewfinder and you can only use the rear LCD panel.

Prioritize Viewfinder (1&2) - The #2 option here is my preferred setting. In each case (1&2), the viewfinder takes priority and, when you pull your eye away, the rear LCD doesn’t switch on. However, if you press the playback or menu button with your eye away from the viewfinder, the rear LCD takes over. I feel like this setup saves at least a little battery life while also keeping me from inadvertently pressing something on the rear LCD when I don’t want to.

The difference between mode 1 and 2 is subtle. In mode 1, the viewfinder will only turn on when you put your eye to it; otherwise, it’s dark. In Mode 2, the viewfinder will pop on if you interact with any of the camera buttons, like half-pressing the shutter release or activating autofocus. If your eye doesn’t show up within five seconds or so, it goes dark again. I enjoy a little acknowledgment from the camera if I half-press the shutter release to keep it awake, so it’s mode 2 for me.

Note: No matter how you have it set, if you pull your eye away from the viewfinder, the camera will turn off the EVF to conserve battery power. Moving your eye to the viewfinder will instantly bring it back to life unless the camera has slipped into standby mode.

Keep in mind that the Limit Monitor Mode Selection menu simply allows you to choose what display options are available for you to cycle through when you press the Monitor Mode button on the side of the viewfinder - it doesn't actually set the option you’re using.

To cycle through your selected options and choose the one you want (once you’re done in the menu), simply press the Monitor Mode button on the side of the viewfinder. It’s the little guy shown by the red arrow below (Z8/9 shooters often overlook this button and I’ve witnessed firsthand the panic that can ensue when the EVF goes dark from an errant press).


WARNING: Remember that the “viewfinder” options only display if you’re looking through the viewfinder, so if you toggle to something like, “Viewfinder only” or “Prioritize Viewfinder” when looking at the back of the camera, it’ll seem like nothing is happening.

I know, you’re wondering what I check and uncheck. The two I toggle between are Automatic Display Switch and Prioritize Viewfinder (2) (those are the only ones I have checked in the menu).

While I mostly use Prioritize Viewfinder, sometimes I want the camera to automatically switch to the rear LCD when I look away (like for macro-size critters or when I’m using my slow “shutter speed self timer technique” that we’ll chat about later). I seldom (if ever) want to use the LCD (monitor) or the viewfinder exclusively, so I keep those options unchecked. I figure there’s no need to toggle through ‘em if you aren’t gonna use ‘em.

Hint: If you are using Prioritize Viewfinder and want to use the rear LCD for photography, you can pull the LCD monitor out a tiny bit at the bottom. No need to use the Monitor Mode button to switch displays.
I agree with Cameron. Here's the relevant section from my Z8/9 Guide:

Limit Monitor Mode Selection

This is another setting I think everyone should spare a moment for and tailor to their specific needs. (Also, sorry for the lack of screen shots in this section - the Z8/9 disables this menu when plugged into a screen capture device…aargh).

The Limit Monitor Mode Selection menu controls what display options the Monitor Mode button can toggle between (the button on the side of the viewfinder). Let’s look at the options, then I’ll share what I do.

Automatic Display Switch - This option will automatically swap between the viewfinder and rear LCD panel based on where your eye is.

Viewfinder Only - Yup, you guessed it, this option sets the camera so the back LCD stays off no matter what.

Monitor Only - This is like viewfinder only, but this time the camera won’t turn on the viewfinder and you can only use the rear LCD panel.

Prioritize Viewfinder (1&2) - The #2 option here is my preferred setting. In each case (1&2), the viewfinder takes priority and, when you pull your eye away, the rear LCD doesn’t switch on. However, if you press the playback or menu button with your eye away from the viewfinder, the rear LCD takes over. I feel like this setup saves at least a little battery life while also keeping me from inadvertently pressing something on the rear LCD when I don’t want to.

The difference between mode 1 and 2 is subtle. In mode 1, the viewfinder will only turn on when you put your eye to it; otherwise, it’s dark. In Mode 2, the viewfinder will pop on if you interact with any of the camera buttons, like half-pressing the shutter release or activating autofocus. If your eye doesn’t show up within five seconds or so, it goes dark again. I enjoy a little acknowledgment from the camera if I half-press the shutter release to keep it awake, so it’s mode 2 for me.

Note: No matter how you have it set, if you pull your eye away from the viewfinder, the camera will turn off the EVF to conserve battery power. Moving your eye to the viewfinder will instantly bring it back to life unless the camera has slipped into standby mode.

Keep in mind that the Limit Monitor Mode Selection menu simply allows you to choose what display options are available for you to cycle through when you press the Monitor Mode button on the side of the viewfinder - it doesn't actually set the option you’re using.

To cycle through your selected options and choose the one you want (once you’re done in the menu), simply press the Monitor Mode button on the side of the viewfinder. It’s the little guy shown by the red arrow below (Z8/9 shooters often overlook this button and I’ve witnessed firsthand the panic that can ensue when the EVF goes dark from an errant press).

View attachment 80255

WARNING: Remember that the “viewfinder” options only display if you’re looking through the viewfinder, so if you toggle to something like, “Viewfinder only” or “Prioritize Viewfinder” when looking at the back of the camera, it’ll seem like nothing is happening.

I know, you’re wondering what I check and uncheck. The two I toggle between are Automatic Display Switch and Prioritize Viewfinder (2) (those are the only ones I have checked in the menu).

While I mostly use Prioritize Viewfinder, sometimes I want the camera to automatically switch to the rear LCD when I look away (like for macro-size critters or when I’m using my slow “shutter speed self timer technique” that we’ll chat about later). I seldom (if ever) want to use the LCD (monitor) or the viewfinder exclusively, so I keep those options unchecked. I figure there’s no need to toggle through ‘em if you aren’t gonna use ‘em.

Hint: If you are using Prioritize Viewfinder and want to use the rear LCD for photography, you can pull the LCD monitor out a tiny bit at the bottom. No need to use the Monitor Mode button to switch displays.
Sadly I wish this was the case. The viewfinder goes from a greenish color to completely black to randomly working. It started by just being darker than the actual view but I could still see and shoot to today not working at all. When it was darker I thought my photos were not exposed correctly but when I checked them they were fine. Now like I said the viewfinder will not work. I did try pressing that button and toggled through but no luck. I think it will need to be repaired. I’m so bummed.
I’ve had several problems with Z8s caused by condensation, including the monitor/viewfinder switching not working. If you can dry out the camera thoroughly, without a battery, it may just ‘fix’ itself. Sadly the build quality on the Z8 seems below Nikon’s standard…
I’ve had several problems with Z8s caused by condensation, including the monitor/viewfinder switching not working. If you can dry out the camera thoroughly, without a battery, it may just ‘fix’ itself. Sadly the build quality on the Z8 seems below Nikon’s standard…
I fear that is it as where we were when it happened was very humid. So should I remove the lens to help with that?
One thing you might try - and it's not "pretty" - is to remove the lens and warm the camera with a hair dryer (keep the sensor shield down and warm from the back). Don't' go crazy with the heat, but make it warm. I've had cameras and lenses that have been fed a bit too much water / moisture in the past and using this technique I brought them back to life. It should probably still go in for repair, but it might bring it back for now.
One thing you might try - and it's not "pretty" - is to remove the lens and warm the camera with a hair dryer (keep the sensor shield down and warm from the back). Don't' go crazy with the heat, but make it warm. I've had cameras and lenses that have been fed a bit too much water / moisture in the past and using this technique I brought them back to life. It should probably still go in for repair, but it might bring it back for now.
Thank you! I will gently give this a try. Will be back in USA in a few days and will call Nikon.
As an alternative to rice, if you have an appliance or something similar in your room that gets warm, you can put the camera on that item overnight and it will heat enough to remove any moisture.
I have the same issue. Viewfinder blacked out. I have this as a recurring problem. The rear screen works but the EVF is blacked out.I have done the usual cleaning of the eye sensor to no avail. Turned off and on and removed battery, Still blacked out. Ideas? on another note, when we choose the setting how do we "set" it - or - do we just choose the setting, say the Atuo, and it sets itself. Usually we have to hit OK or something.
I have the same issue. Viewfinder blacked out. I have this as a recurring problem. The rear screen works but the EVF is blacked out.I have done the usual cleaning of the eye sensor to no avail. Turned off and on and removed battery, Still blacked out. Ideas? on another note, when we choose the setting how do we "set" it - or - do we just choose the setting, say the Atuo, and it sets itself. Usually we have to hit OK or something.
It sounds to me like the same solution Steve outlines in Post #3. There is a display button on the left side of the EVF. It cycles through the various options for EVF and rear LCD. Just press that button until it cycles to the setting you want.
Try saving your settings to card. reset the camera to default. See if the EVF works. If it does it is something in your settings. Otherwise restore setting from the card. Also remove eyecup