Z8 with VR normal "on" shows on display and the viewfinder stutters on first shot in the burst.

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Hi guys is it that behavior normal or I need to ask nikon suport?
LINK on video.
Without VR and with VR Sport, which I only use, there is no issue.
It happens only when is set on Normal VR.
With any lens and both viewfinder and display.
Thanks for your help.
Hi guys is it that behavior normal or I need to ask nikon suport?
LINK on video.
Without VR and with VR Sport, which I only use, there is no issue.
It happens only when is set on Normal VR.
With any lens and both viewfinder and display.
Thanks for your help.
Yes VR Normal can lead to the image jiggling in the viewfinder or jumping around from shot to shot during a shooting burst.

VR Normal re-centers the VR lens elements with each shot. That yields the highest VR range in terms of how much vibration the system can compensate for. But the downside is the image settling in the viewfinder or jumping around during a shooting burst. VR Sport mode doesn’t re-center for each shot but has a slightly lower theoretical VR performance but without the jiggle or jumping of VR Normal.
That’s normal behavior on Z8/Z9, particularly with VR enabled lenses. Last year I spoke to a Nikon rep about it at a retail store event. He said that “normal” recenters VR in the focus area before each shot, hence the visual stutter. In my experience with longer bursts, usually after a half second or so, the stutter settles down substantially.
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VR Normal re-centers the VR lens elements with each shot. That yields the highest VR range in terms of how much vibration the system can compensate for. But the downside is the image settling in the viewfinder or jumping around during a shooting burst.
During handheld shooting, the jiggle or stutter from “normal” VR has helped me learn to quiet my hands during the shot. It’s also helped my putting on my occasional golf outings. 😊