z9 / Magnets

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Pat Cassity

Well-known member
Supporting Member
This is going to sound like an odd question but does anyone know if the z9 or its battery contains magnets? I ask because my brother recently had to have a pacemaker installed and of course he has to stay away from magnets.
This is going to sound like an odd question but does anyone know if the z9 or its battery contains magnets? I ask because my brother recently had to have a pacemaker installed and of course he has to stay away from magnets.
The best thing would be to check with the cardiologist to see if the particular pacemaker is susceptible to low intensity magnetic influence. A weak magnet, if the Z9 has anything at all, may not be a proble.
Pacemakers are a lot better these days and less things are a problem. I had to have one put in in 2021. I shoot both a z9 and a Z8 and never saw any mention of them in any of the materials I read about in the Boston Scientific manuals. Yes there was the warning about the 400 f2.8 s but other than that I have seen nothing about any other newer camera gear.

At one time cell phones were worrisome but testing has shown that it isn’t an issue with most pacemakers. Again many of the old rules about pacemakers are not valid with the newer generations. Doesn’t mean you don’t need to stay informed though. Power tools and welders are things they tell you to be wary of.