Z9 Malfunction

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I have this intermittent issue that when I press the playback button on my Z9 it will activate autofocus instead of showing me the photo. If I press it a second time the screen says "No Matches Found". I'm not accidently pressing another button. I've done a reset by pressing the two buttons. I'm clutching for straws here hoping there's a fix that doesn't require sending the camera of to the never neverland of Nikon repair.
Are you sure you're not hitting the shutter release on the vertical grip, or pressing it against something? Try locking it and seeing if that fixes it as a quick sanity check.

The "no matches found" thing brings up nothing in a quick search, so I'm not sure what's going on there.
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With all due respect Cameron, I made sure I mentioned that I’m sure I’m not hitting any other button by mistake. :) I’m just frustrated because I’m closing in on the realization that I’m going to have to send it in and it will be x number of months to get it back. It’s not the only thing that I’m noticing. It seems that my keeper rate is down lately. The focus point is right on the subject and not in focus on a large number of photos.The close shots are good but any distance and it misses. I’ve had the camera for over a year so it’s not new to me. I’ve had some great successes with it but lately it’s letting me down. For now I’ve shut that button off and programmed another to do playback. We’ll see!
Sounds like a problem for the repair shop which, unfortunately, will take a while. Good argument for a back-up camera -- not necessarily a Z9, but any of the Z cameras. A back-up doesn't have to be the best, just a body that has the same lens mount so your lenses don't sit unused and unusable. A back-up is critical to have on an important trip as I can attest due to a personal experience in Yellowstone when my primary camera quit and I had a second (less expensive) body in the bag.