Z9 setup with several focusing modes on v various buttons.

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Hi, I can't seem to figure out one thing...


AF-ON set to 3D
Fn1 set to Wide C2
Sub Selector Center set to Wide L

Custom Setting A6 menu AF Activation set to AF-ON only

Photo Shooting Menu AF-area mode set to 3D

So, shutter will NEVER set focus. When I push AF-ON I get 3D. Viewfinder show AF-C 3D. Then, if I use the focus mode button on front lower left hand and change focus mode to AutoArea, viewfinder show AF-C AutoArea.

BUT it will never get used. As soon as I push AF-ON, it is 3D. So this doesn't make sense to me because that means once I use AF-ON, changing focus modes on front left bottom camera (or photo shooting menu AF-area mode) does nothing, I would have to change the focus mode via Custom Settings Controls...
I must haver something set up incorrectly otherwise there i no point to using front left bottom camera (or photo shooting menu AF-area mode) when using AF-ON (back button focus).

Anyone have any ideas please, thanks.
The way you have it set, your AF-On button is overriding your normal focus mode (set with the focus mode button) and going to 3D. Instead, set your AF-On button for just AF-On and it'll focus with any AF area you have set. (Note, AF-On is a separate menu option a few slots lower than the AF Area mode + AF ON option in the button setup menu).

If you have the current firmware installed, you can also just quick-tap the Delete key with the AF-On button highlighted and reset it - that'll put it back to AF-On.

If you want an override for 3D + AF On, I'd assign it to another button.
THANK YOU. So I just set my AF-ON to AF-ON in controls and it woks as I want it to... Tricky but totally makes sense. Thank again.