Z9 slot 2 will not hold a memory card

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This just happened all of a sudden. When I insert a card, and push down, it just pops back up. I have tried different cards. I'm thinking there is some kind of mechanical failure. Has anyone else experienced this? I wonder if there is a simple fix Don't want to send it back to Nikon--the warranty has expired and the shipping cost and repair would be exorbitant. I can get along with just slot 1 for the immediate future.
I had a similar incident happen with one of my Nikon Z cameras. It turned out a small piece of plastic broke of the memory card and lodged at the bottom of the slot. The card would go in but not lock, it would pop out. I was able to see the piece of plastic and moved it with a needle, held the camera so the slot opened down and the plastic fell out. SOme designs of cards have a thin piece of plastic at the edge of the card. After extended used the plastic can break. I did find a youtube video about this.
Thanks very much for your video. I am hoping that is what the problem is. At least I can find out if the little flipper is still working .
Thanks for posting this problem and thanks to 'RockvilleBob' for posting the solution. I have not encountered this problem, YET, but should it or when it occurs, I now know what to look for after the panic settles down.