Z9 startup time after FW 5.0

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Well-known member
After installing the latest firmware 5.0 for my Z9 the camera it takes every now and then it takes longer time to turn it on, about 3-5 seconds. This is often happening after I change lenses. Has someone elsa had this issue after the latest FW?
After installing the latest firmware 5.0 for my Z9 the camera it takes every now and then it takes longer time to turn it on, about 3-5 seconds. This is often happening after I change lenses. Has someone elsa had this issue after the latest FW?
The only time there’s a brief delay on startup for my Z9 (and Z8 too) is when I’ve inserted a new (as in never been used) CFe card. After formatting it, startup is less than one second.
I have reloaded the FW 5.0, hope it fixes the issue. If not I'm crossing my fingers that Nikon will release another update that fixes the issue soon.