Chasing Salmon

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A handful of river runners from Katmai earlier this year.
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Spectacular shots Mike (y) (y) (y)(y)(y)
Thanks Ira! I enjoy that AK trip in July and hope not to miss another like last year.
3 places that I am partial to : FL for the birds, AK for the bears, and YST/GT for the wildlife/landscape variety. I'll be back in FL in Jan. Ding,Corkscrew,Venice,Myakka,Circle B,Bunche, and whatever else comes up.
Gorgeous Series!👍👍👍👍
Great, I'm jealous, would LOVE to photo that
Amazing set. #4 is my favorite.
Nice set. I also like no.4. Well done.
These are fantastic
Thanks to all of you for the replies. The last shot is the yearling of Holly #435. Likely does not know why he/she is running but is doing what Mom is doing. It is encouraging to see the reproduction and survival of the progeny. About 50% of cubs/yearlings still die but generally not due to lack of sustenance. Here is another shot of Holly and her yearling; and the family in the background is #128 Grazer and her two yearlings. #128 is known as a tough lady. She will approach and back away even the larger boars. The other sows like #435 give her a large buffer because of her attitude. They are watching a large boar out to the right of the frame in the river. As was I.
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One more iconic shot - which is why I go up on the platforms at least a couple of times during the stay. The crowds are unnerving though and not natural like walking the river.
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