A northern harrier.

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Nice pose and colors! On Monday I'm planning to head out to a location here in SW PA to photograph Northern Harriers and Short-eared Owls. If I can grab a shot as good as yours I'll be one happy guy :)
Thanks Jeff. The harriers are difficult to capture. You must know your raptors as I didn't this was a female. Erik
The Male Northern Harrier is also known as the Gray Ghost, mostly for their coloring and because they're not as numerous. They're also better looking IMO which makes them even more special. Hopefully I'll get some keepers from today that I can share later!
The Male Northern Harrier is also known as the Gray Ghost, mostly for their coloring and because they're not as numerous. They're also better looking IMO which makes them even more special. Hopefully I'll get some keepers from today that I can share later!
Thanks for the info Jeff. Now you got me wanting to capture a male harrier to the SD card. Erik