Day-Old Tulip (stack of @30 images)

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You are a really great eye for this type of photography. I have been wanting to do more abstract macro work, but find I freeze up a bit when it comes time to compose. And your post processing is also top notch. Great work all around!

What a strong statement. Again like in your trillium photo you have captured the flowing lines but in a more textural manner. Great edge work in the stack. Super clean.
You are a really great eye for this type of photography. I have been wanting to do more abstract macro work, but find I freeze up a bit when it comes time to compose. And your post processing is also top notch. Great work all around!

You are a really great eye for this type of photography. I have been wanting to do more abstract macro work, but find I freeze up a bit when it comes time to compose. And your post processing is also top notch. Great work all around!

Thank you, Ken, I really appreciate your feedback! I’ve only come to macro relatively recently while waiting for a shoulder problem to clear up so I can get back to hoisting long lenses to shoot BIF!
Thank you, Ken, I really appreciate your feedback! I’ve only come to macro relatively recently while waiting for a shoulder problem to clear up so I can get back to hoisting long lenses to shoot BIF!
Well, you have a great eye for macro work, so I would not give it up completely when your shoulder heals.
