3 From Saturday - Birds in Flight

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Had a pretty fun outing on the kayak the other day near Seattle. Here are 3 shots from that trip:

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Two Belted Kingfishers that were chasing each other throughout the trees and making some pretty impressive passes at each other over the water.

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Caspian Tern fishing near a large port crane (structure in the background)

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Purple Martin flying by.
Had a pretty fun outing on the kayak the other day near Seattle. Here are 3 shots from that trip:

View attachment 43469
Two Belted Kingfishers that were chasing each other throughout the trees and making some pretty impressive passes at each other over the water.

View attachment 43467
Caspian Tern fishing near a large port crane (structure in the background)

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Purple Martin flying by.
Tough enough getting one belted kingfisher in flight but two! Well done 👍👍👍
Looks like you had fun. Definitely a unique kingfisher image. How did you shoot the swallow without upsetting the kayak? I'd be swimming.
The kayak is pretty stable, thankfully and I try to make sure I don't rotate around too much. Still getting used to shooting in it, so I try and be pretty conservative with my movements.