Burrowing Owls near the Salton Sea, CA

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Brian K

Active member
Supporting Member
A couple of weeks ago I had a chance to visit the Salton Sea area. I'm still waiting to receive either the Z 800mm PF or the Z 600mm (non-NPS), but I'm still very happy with the results from the 500 PF with the 1.4x teleconverter. Here are a few active Burrowing Owls I found; I hope you like them.

Owl in flight-1200px.jpg
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Burrowing Owl 2-1200px.jpg
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Burrowing Owl 3-1200px.jpg
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Thank you Woody, Karen and Ira. They seem to like the areas along the irrigation trenches where row crops are grown near SS. Fortunately there are many accessible areas along the roads where you can get close.
Love these. You really captured such character in these shots. You're killing me here. Never laid eyes on one in person but I love these guys. Getting near the top of the list.