Western Wood-Pewee having a snack

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At least I think so, please correct my ID if I'm wrong.

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What a capture! Great work! I *think* it is indeed a Western Wood Pewee. I have been struggling with identification as well (given the lack of a call to facilitate the ID). Here is my ID photo, which is quite boring compared to your action shot.

EDIT: As I mentioned, I have struggled with the ID of this bird, trying to decide if it is a Western Wood Peewee or a Willow Flycatcher. After digging through more photos, several bird books, and comparing to your image ... I believe this image I posted is indeed a Willow Flycatcher. Sorry for barging in on your post, but having another image to compare was very helpful.
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EDIT: As I mentioned, I have struggled with the ID of this bird, trying to decide if it is a Western Wood Peewee or a Willow Flycatcher. After digging through more photos, several bird books, and comparing to your image ... I believe this image I posted is indeed a Willow Flycatcher. Sorry for barging in on your post, but having another image to compare was very helpful.

Barge away! I’m glad it helped with an ID and it taught me something as well.