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I usually do not process or keep "portrait" type images, but occasionally if I have only one flawed, but maybe salvageable image of a species, I might try to make the save. This is one of those. This is a Great Tinamou, a large, but very secretive bird of Central America rainforests. They have been hunted for a long time and have become very wary in most places. You often hear them at dawn, before the sun rises, but you do not see them often. I saw this one only briefly and had only a fleeting moment to shoot. I was using way too lens (840 mm) and was hand holding so the shot was marginal. Instead of trashing it, I cropped down to the following head shot. Shot with Canon R5, 600 mm f/4.0 + 1.4x extender, handheld at f/5.6, SS 1/320. ISO 10,000. Processed in PS after conversion in DXO Pure Raw 3, and passed through Topaz De Noise prior to conversion to JPEG.
Good or not?
Great Tinamou Canopy Tower.jpg
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Well captured with excellent detail,
I would definitely keep - nice portrait, and you may never get another image of the bird if so rare and elusive.
Well captured with excellent detail,
I would definitely keep - nice portrait, and you may never get another image of the bird if so rare and elusive.
Yes, you are correct. If I have an image that has serious technical flaws it is usually an instant delete, but sometimes there is "unique" factor that comes into play.